The first post. Here we go.
I figured it would be best to discuss what this blog will be.
This blog will allow you to follow my journey as I make my way towards financial independence. I use the term millionaire in the title, but that's not really the goal. My true goal is to reach a point through investments that I no longer have to fret the day-to-day need to work for someone else. That just makes for an ugly title.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job. I work with good people and have fun at work, but we all know that when you work for someone else, your hours can be cut, as mine have, or you could be laid-off entirely, as many are dealing with right now.
I haven't found a blog quite like this available in the blogosphere. The one I found that was even closely similar was written by someone who has a six-figure income. I wanted something for the rest of us. To show that it is still possible, though maybe much more trying.
I'm hoping that this chronicle will turn into a shared journey, where you, the reader, will participate, sharing the experiences of your own individual journey. It'll be interesting to see if a community can grow around this. I look forward to it.
So, welcome and thanks for reading. Hopefully, you're jumping in on the ground floor of something special.
P.S. - Net Worth figures coming soon!
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